Free cars for all

The Government has approved a plan to help the automotive sector that includes 250 million in subsidies for the purchase of new cars . How can you benefit from them?

Last Tuesday the Government supported a plan to support the automobile sector, hit hard in recent months by the coronavirus. In total, 3,750 euros will be used to revitalize the industry, of which 250 million will be dedicated to the purchase of new vehicles , with electric , hybrid, gasoline and diesel engines . However, not all cars will be able to benefit from the aid ...

To benefit from the aid, your future new car must meet two essential requirements: emit less than 120 grams of CO2 and have a price of less than 35,000 euros . However, in the case of electric and people with reduced mobility, that amount is increased to 45,000 euros.

On the other hand, vehicles must have energy classification A or B from the IDAE Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (except if it is electric). Finally, an essential requirement to receive the aid is, in addition, scrapping a vehicle that is at least 10 years old.

As we have already advanced in Autofácil, the amount of aid can reach 5,500 euros in the best case . However, there are a number of factors that can change this amount.

In this case, the amount will vary depending on the environmental distinctive of the vehicle and the type of the buyer. In fact, the amount of aid is different for individuals, SMEs and large companies. In any case, it should be remembered that initially, they will range from 300 to 4,000 euros. Next, we leave you a summary with the help for each type of buyer.

Autonomous and private buyers: Cars with a C label will have an aid of 800 euros if they have IDAE classification A; or 400 if they fall into the energy category B. In the case of vehicles with an ECO label, the aid will be 1,000 euros with an A classification and 600 euros with a B classification. For their part, cars with a ZERO label will receive 4,000 euros.

SMEs: Cars with a C label will have an aid of 650 euros if they have IDAE classification A; or 350 if they fall into the energy category B. In the case of vehicles with an ECO label, the aid will be 800 euros with an A classification and 500 euros with an A classification. For their part, cars with a ZERO label will receive 4,000 euros. .

Large companies : Cars with a C label will receive an aid of 650 euros if they have IDAE classification A; or 350 if they fall into the energy category B. In the case of vehicles with an ECO label, the aid will be 800 euros with an A classification and 500 euros with a B classification. For their part, cars with a ZERO label will receive 4,000 euros. .

The Government will play almost everything on productive investments and subsidies for the renovation of an aging vehicle park. Specifically, it will grant aid of between 800 and 5,000 euros to the purchase, depending on whether they are combustion or electrical, among other reactivation measures. The objective is to inject oxygen into the industry to start it running at full speed after the historical collapse of registrations, which in April fell by 96.5%.

The black future facing the industry, which before the coronavirus was already dragging its own crisis with the European changes in emissions regulations, has raised alarm bells in the Sánchez government. The Comprehensive Plan for the automotive sector presented yesterday by President Pedro Sánchez will allocate 1,535 million euros this year and 2,215 from the one that comes between direct aid and tax credits to individuals, companies and the self-employed, and public entities, productive investments and innovation and training. It is one of the largest injections of public capital announced by a European country, although far from the 8,000 million that France will allocate. "If we want the automotive industry to remain competitive we have to help it continue to adapt to new demands,

Of the more than 3,000 million budgeted, 300 million will be destined to the renovation of the public fleet of vehicles, to the installation of recharging infrastructures or electrification of transport, among other initiatives, and 250 million to a vehicle replacement program for individuals , freelancers and companies through direct aid that will be around between 800 and 5,000 euros. To this will be added an additional line of credit from the Official Credit Institute, which will grant 500 million euros in loans for the purchase of industrial or commercial vehicles. In total, 1,050 million euros in acquisition aid for individuals and public bodies.

On the rest of the plan's aid, 2,690 million will be destined to investments in the industry value chain, 400 million to research and innovation initiatives and 5 million to qualification and professional training.

Companies, individuals and self-employed who wish to avail themselves of the aid will be able to do so starting todayTo benefit, they will have to purchase a new or used car, but registered from January 1, 2020 (kilometer zero), up to 35,000 euros (45,000 in the case of cars with a ZERO label), regardless of whether it is electric or combustion. Of course, "to access the aid, the scrapping of a vehicle of more than 10 years will be compulsory," Sánchez explained.

Whoever meets all these requirements may receive direct government aid of between 400 and 4,000 euros, which will be supplemented by manufacturer discounts of between 400 and 1,000 eurosAll depending on the type of vehicle purchased. In total, between 800 and 5,000 euros (the cleaner, the greater the aid). This means that, for example, the purchase of a car with a C label will be subsidized for a total of 800 euros, while a zero-emission electric vehicle carries with it aid that will amount to 5,000 euros (4,000 public subsidy to which add up to 1,000 from the manufacturer's discount.) Between these two cases, the rest of the hybrid or ECO certified aid will oscillate. For SMEs, the fork will go between 3,200 and 350 euros, and for large companies, between 2,800 and 300 euros.

In addition, if the vehicle that is sent to the scrapping is more than 20 years old or if the person requesting the aid has an income of less than 1,500 euros per month or mobility difficulties, they may benefit from additional support of 500 euros. The objective, on the one hand, is to give a facelift to the national vehicle park, whose average age amounts to 13 years. On the other, to release the stock accumulated in dealerships during the months of confinement and alleviate the hole in billing caused by the collapse of registrations. In short, to remove from the abyss a sector on which 1.8 million jobs depend, before the images of the closure of the Nissan factory in Barcelona, ​​and with it, the loss of 16,000 direct and indirect jobs, begin to multiply by other areas of the Spanish geography.

On the other hand, the municipalities will be able to free up part of the surplus to invest in clean vehicles and renew their fleet. Sánchez also announced "a new tax system" to boost the sector's competitiveness. Among other measures, the sector asks to reduce VAT on electric vehicles to 10% at the same time as eliminating the Registration Tax.

To access this help, first, you must have a car over ten years old and that you are willing to scrap it. In the event that the vehicle is commercial, it must exceed seven years old. The ITV must be in force and must have been yours for at least one year.

The car you are going to buy must have DGT labeling and emissions of less than 120 g / km of CO2 and a cost of less than 35,000 euros. In the event that it has an energy label A (see it here) and an environmental label C, the aid is 800 euros, while a car with an energy label B and an environmental label C receives 400 euros of aid.

To this aid, the brand must equal the amount paid by the State. Therefore, the total aid for gasoline cars with label C and energy label A will be 1,600 euros in total, while if that car has energy label B, the aid amounts to 800 total euros.

Likewise, these grants also serve for used cars that have been registered after January 1, 2020 , with the aim of maintaining the commitment to ecological renewal, but at the same time promoting the purchase in the second-hand vehicle market. Therefore, those aids that we have mentioned to you, are applied here with the same criteria.

The Government will finance between 400 and 4,000 euros the purchase of a new car, an aid that must be matched by manufacturers and dealers. The amount of the subsidy will vary depending on the emissions (it will be lower to acquire less efficient vehicles in polluting terms and will reach the maximum for zero emission vehicles) and it will be compulsory to scrap a car over 10 years old. That is the recipe with which the Administration intends to relaunch car registrations after the Covid-19 blow . In total, 350 million public funds will be allocated.

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