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The company Donate A Car Canada accepting donations for vehicle Army Hi. In many parts of Canada, it even offers free towing service. To maximize your donation, you can bring your vehicle yourself. RVs, boats, motorcycles and other vehicles that you donate to The Salvation Army through Donate A Car Canada will be recycled or auctioned, depending on their condition, age and age. place. Donate A Car Canada will take care of all the details so that your charity gets the most out of it. Once the vehicle donation is processed, The Salvation Army will send you a tax receipt within 45 days.

Now retired, Jocelyne has volunteered in a nursing home of the Salvation Army located in Chantilly (60), to take care of the elderly. Thanks to his solidarity, his human warmth, his benevolence, as well as those of other volunteers and employees, every day an activity is offered to residents.

Responsible for a tax center in Paris, Jérôme is now retired and a volunteer public writer at the Palais de la Femme, managed by the Salvation Army Foundation. Delegate of the Defender of Rights, his presence every Thursday evening has become essential for women and men in precariousness. Meet a man who helps the most vulnerable to defend themselves against injustice.

While leading a peaceful life, between his home and his hairdressing salon, Dominique had to flee his country following death threats. After having known the street and repeated calls to 115, he is now accommodated in the Salvation Army's Le Havre accommodation center. Today, it is only natural that he chose to put his hairdressing talents at the service of residents who go through job interviews. He gives you a story full of hope.

After a call from the management of one of the Salvation Army Foundation's medico-social establishments, the members of the "parish" (or "post") of the Congregation of the Salvation Army, in Strasbourg, have mobilized in the service of the two Strasbourg establishments of the Salvation Army. Present in Strasbourg since the end of the 19th century, the Salvation Army is now active there thanks to two establishments, the Laury-Munch Residence, which includes an EHPAD, and a nursing home for disabled people, as well as the Foyer du Jeune Homme which is developing numerous actions in favor of adolescents and young adults. The Laury-Munch residence is grappling with the coronavirus as its residents are physically vulnerable. The director of this establishment therefore launched an alert and the two hundred members of the community therefore stepped up their mobilization. In addition to the sixty or so breakfasts on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, as well as food parcels, once a week, for 35 families, prayers, cakes and sweets prepared by adults, but also drawings, made by confined children, for the attention of care staff and residents. All of this is delivered by a member of the Salvation Army to the Laury Munch Residence. but also drawings, made by confined children, for the attention of care staff and residents. All of this is delivered by a member of the Salvation Army to the Laury Munch Residence. but also drawings, made by confined children, for the attention of care staff and residents. All of this is delivered by a member of the Salvation Army to the Laury Munch Residence.

Faced with the material needs of these two Strasbourg establishments, a large collection was launched among the inhabitants of the Eurometropolis, in order to collect what is most lacking: protective equipment for the staff of the establishments (masks, overshoes, disposable gowns, including those intended for painting, for example, disposable charlottes, plastic gloves, protective glasses, hydroalcoholic gel; plastic or metal trays, in order to bring their meals to residents confined in their rooms

It is not just some alleged management irregularities, revealed this week (read below) that intrigue the Salvation Army. There are also these rents at legal rates but disconcerting in the case of a charitable structure welcoming people in great difficulty. So at the Woman's Palace, one of the works of the Salvation Army Foundation, what is the price for a furnished 11 square meter room? 413 euros per month.

Charges. The "residence contract" signed when the occupants enter the premises indicates that this amount corresponds to the "monthly accommodation fee" . This breaks down as follows: "353 euros for occupancy of the studio" and "60 euros for charges (water, electricity, housing tax, insurance, etc. )" . Rates deemed "very high" by residents. Built at the beginning of the 20th centurycentury, since 2006 the buildings of the Palais de la femme have been the subject of a major renovation, abundantly subsidized by the State, the City of Paris or the Ile-de-France Region. Completed, this complex will include a social residence with 210 small studettes, a residential center with 90 small studettes and an accommodation and social reintegration center (CHRS) with 50 places. For small studios, prices range from 413 euros to 452 euros per month, a high price given the size and social vocation of these accommodations.

The Salvation Army underlines that "the prices of the rents practiced are fixed by convention [...] by respecting the regulations in force", which is correct. We find such prices in other social residences managed by other associations, which raises the question of the vigilance of the State. Is everything being done to control as much as possible the operating costs which are passed on to the rents? What about the governance of foundations or associations addressing people in difficulty?

Allocation. In an argument addressed to Liberation , the Salvation Army observes that housing allowance gives a serious boost to the most deprived tenants. During our meetings with residents of the Palais de la femme, we were able to verify that a resident receiving the RMI only paid 37.14 euros out of her pocket. Housing assistance of 375.86 euros covers most of the fee of 413 euros.

“Everything changes when people are working,” says one tenant. Because a minimum wage living at the Palais de la femme will only be entitled to a housing allowance of 87 euros and will have to devote a third (326 euros) of her income for a tiny room.
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This question of rents is the catalyst for a more general malaise. Residents point to operating methods that are more paternalism than social. “You have to show that you are grateful to be there,” said one of them, as if being admitted to a social residence was an act of benevolence and not a right deriving from it. 'a difficult social situation. Another resident says that "we must avoid contesting, we are afraid of not being renewed" .

Two exclusions. These residents with fragile lives do not benefit from the rights protecting ordinary tenants: no three-year lease, no tacit renewal, no legal proceedings in the event of eviction. The "contract of residence" are "established for a period of one year." Their renewal depends on the management, which can terminate at any time "the contract as of right" for "non-compliance with the obligations" or "the operating regulations" . Expulsions can be done "within fifteen days" . Expeditious, when we know that an ordinary expulsion procedure often lasts two to three years."Very few exclusions have been made in recent years", tempers the Salvation Army, which highlights the "difficult" profiles of some residents and the need to act sometimes quickly in the collective interest. However, since the summer two residents have been put on the street without any housing solution. All the testimonies, including those outside the establishment, point to a Woman's Palace firmly held by a two-headed management which forms a couple in the city. They are able to stay in a spacious apartment in the XII th district, and have a company car to go to the Palace situated five metro stops from home.

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With the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic , the French government declared a period of containment from Tuesday, March 17. For the majority of French citizens, this means staying at home and waiting until they can move around normally again. But for the homeless, respecting confinement does not make much sense. therefore interviewed Gilles Pineau, director of ESI (space solidarity integration) at the Salvation Army and deputy director of the Cité de refuge to clarify the situation.

Yes, they are also subject to this system, which complicates things a lot for them. The certificates are part of the documents that we have started to deliver immediately to facilitate their movement. In general, they are advised to indicate the address at which they live if possible. Behind the name of SDF , there are different realities: some people can sleep in cars, others have been able to settle in squats, others a place a little arranged in the public space. In fact, it is rare that a homeless person does not land somewhere at some point.

If a person is affected by the symptoms , they can first express it, on a day care center that they attend, for example. Then we have a procedure that was sent to us by the DGCS (General Directorate of Social Cohesion) and which tells us what to do. Then we contact a doctor and it is the doctor who will tell us what to consider after meeting the person suffering from the symptoms.

For those who cannot travel to a day reception center, there are marauding teams , that is to say teams that go out to meet people who are on the street and who may no longer be in our structures. Likewise, marauders have a procedure to follow in the event of an encounter with a person showing symptoms of the coronavirus . Otherwise, there is also the Samu social in Paris which has nurses for their marauding. The latter can already establish a first diagnosis .

For a little less than a week, the State has opened two “specialized” accommodation centers , dedicated to homeless people and presenting symptoms, without requiring hospitalization. Guidance on these centers is coordinated with the ARS (Regional Health Agency) and the DRIHL (Interdepartmental Directorate for Accommodation and Housing) . This responds to two main situations:
for people living on the streets and in need of a center and confinement ;
relieve emergency accommodation centers which still provide collective room reception and which do not have the means to practice confinement in their structure.

Some hotel rooms were also mobilized enough consistently to allow as many people to be hosted during that time and respect containment. However, the volume remains insufficient because many people are still homeless.

We have implemented a reduction in services and a refocusing on basic things, that is to say basic services: distribution of food, a coffee reception which remains very important, access to hygiene , toilets and showers. As we don't have a lot of space either, people have to wait outside. There is a bit of a wait, like outside a supermarket in a way.

Any form of local support was also stopped, interviews with social workers for example, because we could not continue to face-to-face. It is not easy because some people really need this form of close support . More generally, some are in demand for social ties because they are completely isolated. I therefore kept the presence of social workers in the establishments and great versatility is required in their functions.

On the accommodation centers, we apply the measures that concern the general population, that is to say confinement. Personally, I manage a center with individual rooms , which simplifies things; people must stay in their rooms. But for the collective restaurant , we have changed the way we operate and now we distribute packed lunches. We are starting to re-establish activities around the link because people are already suffering from this isolation. We set up speech spaces for example. We have also launched an experiment, "Containment stories" , which collects testimonies on how the homeless experience these confinements.

It's not easy, but the messages got through to a majority of people. We have to show a lot more pedagogy , repeat. We also did a bit of posting. But I still hear a lot of comments from people who say they are not affected by the virus, that they are not affected; this is one of the difficulties.

But this situation highlights above all the fact that thousands of people do not have housing in Paris ! Where to confine yourself when you have no accommodation ? The situation does not make sense to them. The federations to which we are attached therefore very quickly alerted the public authorities, explaining that it was necessary to immediately reopen reception centers and find solutions.

We rely a lot on the ability of associations to react. Like the hospital sector , we were confronted with not having masks and other safety equipment. The food distribution is carried out in very difficult conditions. What should be remembered from this situation is that the issue of homelessness is crucial. We can see that in a situation of health crisis and the necessary measures, there is a whole segment of the population excluded. We are not meeting 100% of the planned objectives.

That all our structures be supplied with masks, gloves and all the protective tools necessary to work. Let us also remember the fact that there is still a lack of housing and accommodation facilities to accommodate people, and that still as many people are homeless.

If the government does not react, there will be longer term effects. Those who had accommodation were able to confine themselves to their homes; those who did not were much more exposed to the risk of contamination . It's a real difference in treatment. When you are on the street, you are in an extreme emergency situation. The external gaze also weighs: people do not understand why some are still outside.

There are also other difficulties that we will see appear in the coming weeks. In particular, there is an over-representation of a public suffering from mental pathologies and psychiatric disorders among the homeless. And today, all the services relating to these problems are closed, these people are no longer treated. Very quickly, we risk paying the consequences. Likewise, in our structures there are people suffering from strong addiction problems , which can no longer be taken care of. Some people are at risk of decompensating and developing certain disorders.

Access to food is also a problem: there was a shutdown effect at the start. New food distributions are being organized in Paris, three large distribution points have reopened, but day after day, an increasing number of people are coming to these points. The whole system of solidarity was undermined, because everything that had a collective dimension had immediately closed for fear of the spread of the coronavirus . All the people frequenting these places suddenly found themselves without having enough to eat. And despite all the phenomena of solidarity that we have seen recently, there has been a withdrawal into oneself which has affected the most deprived people.

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