How to Get a Free Used Car

Avoid cash because it is too risky and impractical.
Bank transfer is convenient for the buyer, but not ideal for the seller, since the arrival of funds is not immediate. Also, it is likely that he refuses.
The check is more practical but insecure. The seller will require a cashier's check to ensure that you have sufficient resources. However, it can sometimes take a long time to receive a bank goodwill give away cars check. In addition, it is not a 100% secure means of payment for the seller. Indeed, check fraud is exploding in France .
Choose the PayCar solution . It allows immediate and 100% secure payment. In addition, PayCar is flexible, negotiate the amount of the vehicle, send only the agreed amount and transfer the rest to your checking account.
To proceed with this registration, simply go to the ANTS site (National Agency for Secure Titles). You will then have to fill out a form and scan various supporting documents:
  • Proof of address
  • Old vehicle registration card
  • Technical inspection report
  • Certificate of assignment
  • Vehicle pledge certificate
  • ID
  • Bank details
  • Transfer code given by the former owner of the vehicle
The time to receive the new registration card, you must print the provisional registration certificate (CPI) which allows you to travel for 1 month.
Purchase of a second-hand vehicle from a professional: pre-sale checks and any repairs are carried out by the professional. The professional must give you a hidden defect guarantee. You will then have 12 months to hold the professional responsible for a possible fault on the vehicle. An advantage certainly, but beware the prices of used vehicles for professionals are a little higher than those of individuals. You can refer to the central price to determine the right price for your vehicle.
Buying a used vehicle from an individual: the advantage of buying from an individual is undeniably the price! However, you do not have any guarantee if the vehicle presents a problem or a failure after the purchase, you will have to find an amicable solution that suits both parties.
It is essential to organize a physical meeting with the seller, to test the vehicle. Turning around is not enough! Make an appointment in a specific and frequented place. Do not hesitate to confirm the identity of the person you meet. Choose the right time: always by day, including in winter, so that darkness or at night does not obscure any defect in the bodywork or the passenger compartment.

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