Free cars for Disabled Veterans

We'll show you how to make a great application to win one of those cars.

Every once in a while, I get an INCREDIBLE tip in my email. This was definitely one of those. It came from a worried VA representative who understands exactly how awful my existing vehicle is. She's a VA employee and sent me the basic information and a program for one of these free cars for veterans. I flipped it in ASAP -- and then I came right here to tell you about it!

I was tempted to keep this information to myself (fewer candidates = better odds of winning, right?) But I could not do that. This is just too good and I know there many of you who are in a similar situation. In any case, Progressive generally gives away over 100 free cars for veterans each year, so there's enough to share!

So without further ado... Here's everything I know about the Progressive Keys to Progress vehicle giveaway.

Apply Free cars For Veteran

The event started in 2013 when they gave away 59 free cars for veterans in one day. In the previous 5 decades, they've given away over 500 cars for veterans!

The cars are not brand-new. They have refurbished vehicles which were gathered and mended through a cooperative partnership involving Progressive Insurance, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, the National Auto Body Council (NABC), national salvage companies, network auto-body stores and 1-800-Charity-Cars.

Each calendar year, the automobiles are given away at different Progressive Service Centers around the US. They have 60 of these places! In 2017, they also hosted automobile giveaway events at the metro areas of New York City, Colorado Springs, CO; Des Moines, IA; Louisville, KY; Lubbock, TX; FT Meyers, FL; Fresno, CA.

I have reached out to Progressive for more information about exact dates and times, but it varies annually. By way of example, the 2017 occasion was hosted on Thursday, November 9th.

The cars are only meant for veterans who are having tough life conditions, for example"difficult personal and household requirements, excessive rent burdens, unemployment and even homelessness."

To be eligible for this program, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You'll need to have the ability to offer a DD214.
  • Have a clean driving record with no significant infractions within the last 7 years.
  • Live in or near the community in which the giveaway is being hosted.
Manage to pass a background check. You can click here to find out what the income limits are for your specific area. You could be requested to submit last year's income taxation.
Not own a car OR you ought to be able to demonstrate a hardship with your current vehicle.
If you receive a car through this program, you will also need to Have the Ability to pay for the following:

Implementing is simpler than you think!

Step One: Prepare a statement about why you need the car.

It is easier if you prepare your own statement first. Simply use your favorite word processor (I prefer Google Docs) and make your statement about why you want to win a free vehicle for veterans. We have some tips on the best way to write a winning announcement below, so make sure you check it out!

Step Two: Catch a VSO since you will need a nonprofit representative.

You will require a nonprofit to file your application on your behalf.

If you have ever filed a VA claim, it's likely you already know a veterans representative who will help you submit this form. However, if you're not familiar with this kind of a nonprofit, you can always click here to locate your regional Veteran Service Organization. You might also ask someone at the VA to submit it on your own behalf.

Ironically, many VSO organizations are not familiar with the Keys to Progress giveaway. You may need to guide them to visit this site for more information.

In the end, your nonprofit representative will need to email for an application. You'll have to fill out the application and return it with your statement.

Complete this program. Your VSO representative will likely assist you with this measure.

Measure Four: Wait to be informed.

This is the hard part! Applications are reviewed beginning in May of each year, however, vehicles are given during the week surrounding Veteran's Day.

Below are a few suggestions for making the perfect program!
On September 25, 2017, that I was contacted by a representative in the Keys to Progress vehicle office. They had reviewed my application and she said they actually, actually, really wanted to provide my family a free car... but they just had vehicles with five seats and my loved ones needed seven seats.

The agent asked if there was any way we could make a five-seat vehicle work but there actually wasn't. Since this is a needs-based giveaway, we refused to take the vehicle because we knew someone else needed a five-seat automobile more than we did.

However, that does mean that I know how to create a winning program! Since I managed to buy a vehicle a few months later, I am definitely not going to be going into the giveaway again... and I would really like to share my tips with you so that you have better chances of winning!

To start with, you can click here to see my application for instance. I have redacted certain sensitive information, such as a screenshot of my $2,000+ power invoice.

There are a number of things that really helped set my own application aside from the rest.

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