Donate A Car for salvation army

The company Donate A Car Canada accepting donations for vehicle Army Hi. In many parts of Canada, it even offers free towing service. To maximize your donation, you can bring your vehicle yourself. RVs, boats, motorcycles and other vehicles that you donate to The Salvation Army through Donate A Car Canada will be recycled or auctioned, depending on their condition, age and age. place. Donate A Car Canada will take care of all the details so that your charity gets the most out of it. Once the vehicle donation is processed, The Salvation Army will send you a tax receipt within 45 days. Now retired, Jocelyne has volunteered in a nursing home of the Salvation Army located in Chantilly (60), to take care of the elderly. Thanks to his solidarity, his human warmth, his benevolence, as well as those of other volunteers and employees, every day an activity is offered to residents. Responsible for a tax center in Paris, Jérôme is now retired and a volunteer public writer at the Palais de la F...