Free cars for Disabled Veterans
We'll show you how to make a great application to win one of those cars. Every once in a while, I get an INCREDIBLE tip in my email. This was definitely one of those. It came from a worried VA representative who understands exactly how awful my existing vehicle is. She's a VA employee and sent me the basic information and a program for one of these free cars for veterans. I flipped it in ASAP -- and then I came right here to tell you about it! I was tempted to keep this information to myself (fewer candidates = better odds of winning, right?) But I could not do that. This is just too good and I know there many of you who are in a similar situation. In any case, Progressive generally gives away over 100 free cars for veterans each year, so there's enough to share! So without further ado... Here's everything I know about the Progressive Keys to Progress vehicle giveaway. Apply Free cars For Veteran The event started in 2013 when they gave away 59 fre...