Finance your car
An auto loan (or auto loan) is a loan to finance a car , whether new or used . It can be a consumer loan (or personal loan) or an affected credit (linked to the good to which it is the subject). The principle of car credit is to borrow a defined amount which may be equal to the entire purchase price of the car or only a part of this price , depending on whether you have a personal contribution or not. The auto loan offered by Maaf allows you to borrow a corresponding amount: at the purchase price of the car (with any options subscribed), accessories not mentioned on the car invoice (within the limit of 20% of the vehicle purchase price), the gray card if it appears on the order form. The Global Effective Annual Rate (APR) : this is the real rate of the loan because it includes all the costs related to the credit, namely the amount borrowed, interest as well as any application fees and contributions for borrower insurance. The du...